Hiiamben, time to improve RDP

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Hiiamben, time to improve RDP

Post by Frantish »

S! buddy,

8 of 9 axis factories capped, and it seems to do little to effect RDP.
It is time to tell you Allied HQ buddies to make increasing RDP results a priority.

Now is perfect time to argue to increase from the limited effects of current RDP.

And if you do not, Allied HQ may begin to think, seeing the minuscule effects, that RDP is not worth the effort.

I know it may kick Axis in the ass, but its not about sides, it is about PRINCIPLE!


PS, YES, I am promoting RDP events and RDP as key stratagem in Axis HQ.
I am also emailing Gophur about upping RDP, but guess who has say, maybe final say, in matter.
Keep pressing mien freund. ;)
Bose 26, er, DAMBUSTERS: De-constructing, one bomb at a time.
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