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Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:00 am
by allibone
1st off hey guys! I've not been on in ages, mostly because my PC doesn't run the game very well now and have had lots going on recently, I am saving up to upgrade the PC (Mobo, GFX Card, CPU, RAM, SSD) and hopefully get it done later this year.

I was just checking of you had seen that CRS has launched a Kickstarter page for WWIIOL Rapid Assault, they are basically looking for funding to help get RA out the door quicker and add more things to it if they get the requisite funding. I am not that huge a fan of Rapid Assault and I guess many of you may not be either, given that we are a bombing squadron, but from what info the Rats have released, WWIIOL is no longer making enough money to keep itself going and they need Rapid Assault to keep the game running.

It also appears to be a long term goal to move the Rapid Assault codebase into WWIIOL to modernise the game we play as it is built on code that is over 10yrs old, and to be honest it is beginning to look its age! (Has anyone played BF3?).

I will be helping to fund Rapid Assault via Kickstarter, as well as keeping my game subscription going, and I really hope that CRS meets or exceeds their funding goals. ... big-bucket

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:58 pm
by Reddog
Well Hello Allibone,

Long time No See,

Yeah the RATS are on the skids, not sure what is going to happen.

RA is OK but the whole concept of developing another game, and backfilling into WWIIOL, well we will see.

Wish they would of worked there asses off on ripping out all the old shit and refining what they already had, instead of loosing all the players they have lost, going off in secret for the past 14 months, and then say hey WWIIOL we can't do anything else with and we are doing RA to try and keep it all together.

Kind of makes me shake my Head.

Good to see ya and hope you are Well!!!



Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:48 pm
by Sniper62
so, basically they are saying that they are done developing WWIIOL and putting everything toward RA then when they can move new things over to WWIIOL they will...

let me say, What...The...Feck

why in their right minds do they think that RA will be a success?

anyone else contribute the 25 doll hairs?

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:14 am
by Pegasusbelgar
Especially when you can play ARMA2 or Battlefield 3 or some other awesome FPS war game with graphics and gameplay thats 100 times better than RA. Why should people waste their money in RA, when they can play with other people on much better looking titles.
The amount of work gone into RA could of been spent on WW2O and to put a higher level of gameplay, but no we stuck with absolutely no airwar these days and all we do now is fly as a squad and take the piss out of each other and talk about the next great thing.
We mentioned this on Sunday, CRS is far too top heavy, too many chiefs and not enough indians, why the fook do you need a 7 man team and three of those are producers? 1 and 1/2 artist (1/2 being part time), its downright ridiculous personal
I have no interest in paying $25 supporting RA, but if i knew my $25-$50 or more was supporting a design for a new bomber then we can talk.
End of the day the squad is what keeps me flying or keeps coming back when im away for a time. Always looking for the next best thing and I really hope World of Planes (World War) will succeed, also those with RoF nothing stopping us meeting up and all flying bombers/bristols as a squad, lets poke around and see whats out there, till then looking forward to the mini-con event.

Good to hear from you Allibone, hope all is well.

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:00 pm
by allibone
I think if they had done a Kickstarter for WWIIOL V2.0 they would've made their funding goals in about a day, RA is a harder sell, and I completely agree that infantry play is nowhere near as good as CoD ARMA or BF3 so it is definitely going to be up against it when it is released. If they add new units and weapons to RA then hopefully they will also transfer across to WWIIOL, look at the new landing craft in RA for instance.

Nevertheless I will be pledging some funds in the hope it will have a trickle down effect to the current game, even if that is only by means of other income to keep WWIIOL going.

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:22 pm
by Forrest
With every new Rat plea of 'Support WW2OL by donating to RA', I think of this:


Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:59 am
by Sniper62
Idk, i just cant support somthing that i wont/dont enjoy playing. If wwiiol dies because of it, so be it. I think its a dumb idea thats going to not what they want it to be.

Im a builder, i think ive paid enough

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:41 am
by wingit
Unfortunately, I cannot justify to myself paying more money to a company that has failed, over the years, to improve the air war and now wants me to pay for a ground war which, possibly/probably/maybe/sometime never, may be used to eventually (soon) improve the air side game play.

Plus, I lost more faith in CRS when they allowed a juvenile into the Axis HC. Not only a juvenile, but one who advocates "plug pulling" as the norm.

I'm sorry if CRS have to close, but, I'm not going to help them any more.

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:20 pm
by Reddog
Found this interesting bit from DOC here: ... ost6136029

No one is shooting the messenger. Some of you however are making the assumption we could CHOOSE to continue WWIIOL development without doing RA or anything else, and in this you are wrong.

WWIIOL does not, and never has made a profit for this company. Not once in 13 years has it provided us sufficient funds to continue it's own development without doing outside projects. People assume we could "continue WWIIOL without doing anything else" and in fact blame doing "other things" as the reason for WWIIOL not getting enough attention, but they have no idea that if we didn't do something else, as far back as WWIIOL's heyday even, then there wouldn't have been a WWIIOL at all.

They don't have all the facts but they behave as if they do. WWIIOL didn't decline from it's peak to now because of lack of development focus, the company declined because it never focussed on anything else, and the sole focus we did maintain never made us a profit, even at the peak of it's popularity.

Until you grok that, as a business perscpective, you're never going to understand the issues we face as a business and thus nothing you say will be terribly relevent.

WTF they never made a profit, I'm going to have to sleep on that one for a bit.

As a businessman, why would you continue a business if there is no profit, maybe a loss or at best a wash?

What they did all this as a test?

For 12+ years? That's a helluva test!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:33 pm
by Pegasusbelgar
I smell bullshit on that. :iconbutt:

I suspect the company was making a profit up and until maybe around 2005-2006 and since then is stagnant and probably just keeping them a float, paying wages, paying building and server rent etc. How does a team of 7 over at Hitech creations keep several Aces High arenas of several hundred players each and release new planes yearly and still bring in a profit. CRS is too top heavy and since Mo and gang left its been misdirected by the current team (too many producers) thinking that infantry warfare is the future of WW2O ignoring every other part of the game, god I feel sorry for the navy for not having anything since the destoryer was released way way back even before 617 was created.
I really dont give a toss what Doc says, im sure he is a nice guy i knew him way back in Warbirds before he took up the producers role when he lived in Australia, he was an avid flightsimmer, so what has changed?

Re: Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:12 am
by snoopy
Heyas gents :}

Months ago when i got the e-mail to come help beta test our new game and by the way send along a few bucs i knew it was a last ditch effort. :lol:

Accounts long closed and games off the HD but i do thank them for the years of gameplay that i did enjoy while they were all doing sidework to keep the lights turned on, LOL. They went the wrong way with the time and money they had and its cost them the community that could have saved them. I feel they could have had the best large scale flight sim in the ptp games and with a real airwar with beyond the current map airfields and targets could have been epic.
Add to that a version of channel and west of england uboat vs destroyers.
AI supply trains, trucks, boats, etc.

So many more options for gameplay, all could have been done if they had not been in love with the HC plans and all the money blown on that.

I would like to thank you all for the fun we had on both sides of the gunsights and some of the most fun t/s sessions i have had is with you gents.
