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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:10 pm
by nathan111
I would like to re enstate not sure if i spelled it right....ALSO I CAN FLY DB-7 now lol

Re: Reenstate

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:20 pm
by Kizmet
As one of the founders of the Dambusters let me tell you one thing. We have a code we live by and you MUST agree and show that you can live by that code, or you WILL NOT become a member of the Dambusters again.

Now, if you've read our Code of Conduct and you pledge to live by that and the very stringent training of this Squad, well let's just say us old timers may put it to a vote.

The ball is in your court. Straighten up and fly right or don't let the door hit you in your young butt on the way out.