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Stay or Go?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:20 pm
by nathan111
Well i really love to RDP but i fell as if im not a help or not wanted so. i was thinking about creating a squad with some friends and i reallllly love being in the 617dambusters.. idk what to do??? if i leave i will really miss you guys plz help me

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:23 pm
by Tzulscha
Well, I've only done 4 or 5 missions with you , so I don't really know anything about you.

I do know a few things about the rest of these guys however.
First off, most of us are old enough to be your grandfather, hell, Wingit is probably old enough to be your great-grand father. :lol:
We tend to do finicky precision jobs that a lot of people consider dull. We do it because we tend to like nitpicking details.
Most of us have been playing this game for YEARS.
I've been here for more than 10 years myself and I'd bet I have more time in every single game unit than you have total game time.

You are a noob and we can make allowances for that, but we expect that you will do your homework, which means practice and read the manuals.
If you DO need help, we can do that but in the meantime, as they say, RTFM!

Old guys don't act like teenagers and we aren't going to treat you like a kid.
You had best develop a thick skin quickly.
Nobody will pick on you specifically, but if you screw up, be prepared to be laughed at.
Don't get too cocky either, until you can back it up.
Respect is earned not given.

Ultimately, I'd say it's your call whether you go or stay. (Unless you piss off Reddog of course :iconbiteme: )
If you stay, be prepared to put up with some shit until you get accepted.
If you leave, no hard feelings, there are plenty of other good squads out there.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:20 pm
by Sniper62
good post tz

i would agree, its ultimately your decision you have to want to be here and enjoy what we do in order to stay. we have had plenty of people come in because they enjoyed RDP bombing but then they didnt stick around because they just didnt like it as much as we do and didnt want to bomb as much as we do.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:59 am
by wingit
Agree with TZ.

Oh, by the way, I have grandchildren as old as (and older) than you Nathan :toke:

Joining a squad is a two-way thing: We'll all help you when we can. You have to meet us half-way by reading/looking at training vids etc. and practice, practice, practice.

I want to see you put 10 in the box next time we fly. :lol:

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:37 am
by nathan111
I want to stay I love to. Rdp . And yea I play. Ground. Sometimes now only because. There is no bridges to bomb. And when there is I go straight for a blen and yesterday I got 8 in the box and I remember reddog saying. Good job whatever happend to good job now it's Nathan does not seem you like Rdp runs well if I did not like Rdp runs I would not be here when I first joins I read the must read. I know what I'm here for and if you want me to be like every one else I will. I love to do what we do I want do do what we do but it takes time time to get a db7.and I want to stay and do what I do Rdp and if you
want me gone reddog I will be gone........but as I said a million times iwant to stay and Rdp....