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Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:50 am
by Frantish
In your opinion,

How active is RDP/Strat bombing in game right now?

How quickly is the change in participation?

List the reason(s) for the decline. If more then one, please rate what you think has the most impact.

As you know DOC posted some ideas that may very well be implemented.
I just want support to support DOC in convincing the rest of the Rats to make it happen.

On a side, I am not all that pleased with the choices, HOWEVER i think we URGENTLY need something that will get activity back, and FAST!

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:31 pm
by Cono
Active? Try extinct, non-existent, it just ain't happening.

Reasons for the decline.
1.) The all-seeing, all-knowing AWS piece of shit implementation due to an overreaction by the Rats in response to a bunch of whining bastards.
2.) The neutering of the effects of RDP bombing. Again, due to the adjustments (overreaction) made by Rats in response to a bunch of whining crybabies.
3.) No Dambusters flying RDP at the moment. Afterall, what fun is flying RDP if you aren't flying with the Dambusters and on their Teamspeak channel listening to Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, Ben screaming that he has been shot, killed and going down, Reddog cussing someone out (probably me), Scott and Simon being their usual calm, cool, collected selves, and Kizmet being,..............................................................Kizmet, not to mention Charlie3, TZ, Allibone and a whole bunch of other awesome people.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:55 pm
by Sniper62
Cono wrote:Active? Try extinct, non-existent, it just ain't happening.

Reasons for the decline.
1.) The all-seeing, all-knowing AWS piece of shit implementation due to an overreaction by the Rats in response to a bunch of whining bastards.
2.) The neutering of the effects of RDP bombing. Again, due to the adjustments (overreaction) made by Rats in response to a bunch of whining crybabies.
3.) No Dambusters flying RDP at the moment. Afterall, what fun is flying RDP if you aren't flying with the Dambusters and on their Teamspeak channel listening to Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, Ben screaming that he has been shot, killed and going down, Reddog cussing someone out (probably me), Scott and Simon being their usual calm, cool, collected selves, and Kizmet being,..............................................................Kizmet, not to mention Charlie3, TZ, Allibone and a whole bunch of other awesome people.

duche! u forgot som1....

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:42 pm
by Cono
ROFLMAO, I knew as soon as I posted without putting your name in the list that you would respond!!!!

Yes, Snippet is awesome too. :)

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:07 pm
by Reddog
:toke: :toke:

:iconFU: :iconFU:

:iconjuke: :iconjuke:

:iconpidu :iconpidu

Frantish S!

I aired my opinion in Playskool, and I don't expect any changes to the AWS system so , any changes CRS makes to encourage large groups to fly together, is just a
stupid waste of resources, again because AWS discourages large groups to fly together.

Again the definition of insanity is where you keep doing the same thing over and over hoping the outcome will change.

RDP=CRS insanity

S! :iconpidu :iconpidu

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:18 pm
by Frantish
So, if you do not like, why still subscribe?

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:11 pm
by Cono
I'm a groundpounder who flies on occasion. And, when I fly, I used to enjoy flying RDP with the Dambusters. RDP was just one aspect of the game I enjoyed. I still enjoy other aspects of the game but they are dwindling fast too. My gametime is WAY down.

So, I'm still subscribed although not all of my accounts are. I've minimized my subscriptions. I'm not into subsidizing the Rat's stupidity. When the Rats get their heads out of their asses, I'll resubscribe more accounts.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:26 pm
by Reddog
Frantish wrote:So, if you do not like, why still subscribe?

Well Redpup3 account closed 8 months ago

Redpup account closes on June 25th

Reddog is builder account that runs out in 2011.

So I'm stuck..

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:52 pm
by Cono
I never got a builder account. Reddog talked me out of one. BTW, thanks, Reddog. :)

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:47 pm
by Frantish
So you guys are unsubbing.

By the sound of things, 617 is closing shop for BGE.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:22 pm
by Duke2
That leves Poor Sniper, to fly two or three Bombers at the same time.

Carry the Flag Snip. :)

Things might pick up if RDP Bombing ment something, more than just flying a Bomber.

If their was a purpose.- That purpose would probly mean, bombing the factories, and it counting. To spend time and effort, and it be rewarding. - Loosing is ok onece in a while, but winning is what keeps you coming back for more.

Like any game online of this magnatude, it is a money thing. They don't make the money, they go out of business. I feel, if the Rats Money problem could be solved, then RDP problems, could also.

With the Ecnomy as it is ----

If the RDP was fixed, then the monthly amount,verses the fun factor would be very reasonable.

Large formation, of Bombers, and large formation of intercepters, is where it would be headed.

Till then, counting on Snip. :) he he

Have a Happy

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:38 pm
by Frantish
I would think its the other way around.

VARIETY of mission profiles is what keeps people interested.
Small changes will cause larger effects.

But right now Rats are scared to change anything that might cause the ground players to cry and unsub.

Yet if strat bombing dies, so will one of the great hall marks of this game, organized mass missions.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:58 am
by Sniper62
Frantish wrote:In your opinion,

How active is RDP/Strat bombing in game right now?

How quickly is the change in participation?

List the reason(s) for the decline. If more then one, please rate what you think has the most impact.

As you know DOC posted some ideas that may very well be implemented.
I just want support to support DOC in convincing the rest of the Rats to make it happen.

On a side, I am not all that pleased with the choices, HOWEVER i think we URGENTLY need something that will get activity back, and FAST!

RDP is nonexistent, if anyone does it at all anymore its only because its a change from flying to an AO that has 4 red squares around and getting gangbanged... but doing FBRs quickly ends when #1 no one wants to go along and #2 it doesn't do shite to help your side

ive dont numerous 4day weekend factory flattening missions, flying 4-5 bombers all day. yes we can take down ALL the axis facts, yes we can max the factories out, yes we can bomb our selves out of a job... but you know what? after all that bombing (usually takes 9-12 hours) the axis don't feel anything from it except a couple fighters off the front. after doing all this ive watched the allies keep up the damage for a week! and yet nothing.....all the axis gota do it move acouple BDEs around

reasons for RDP dieing

the largest most obvious most dumbest retardest stupidest reason has to be the RATS NEUTERING IT!! i mean really? did they think taking 12 hours to knock a resupply counter up 3.5 hours was really guna effect the ground war?? ok i understant not being able to stop one side from getting their toys but why did it drop to this?

now the next thing is this farking AWS (A$$)
yes somthing needed to be done about the skirting...but dam not this. being able to see a bomber flight leaving behind the lines is just complete BS, idk how many times we have been killed before we even get to the front lines.

along with rank points, for how long and far ppl gota do this why not give it more points when u make it all the way home? i mean a person can go and bomb a bridge 10km from their AF and get the same why the fek would they do FBRs? that and the bombadier only getting the mission points when the pilot did just as much work

lol duke, im tryin! but cant last much longer!!!

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:33 pm
by Frantish
Sniper, you are NOT a one man 617.

Whats the point of doing all this when it does next to nothing.

It is really sad that at one time 617 was the horror to the axis side because you guys did an amazing job.
It also spurred axis to do like wise, as best as slow moving targets can do.

Straight up, if 617 is no longer leading or doing large FBR's, say so. Post it in HANGAR that 617 is out of factory business.
I know its a whine, but if you don't say, who will know?

Bose26 has not done a FBR in months that I know of.
Last time I suggested, I received surprised replies, as if I was kissing (we could not because no good supply or base).

So, what is the largest group you had in recent times? 5 for a FBR?

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:24 pm
by Cono
Frantish, shouldn't you be flying RDP runs instead of visiting my af at Knokke? And, if you're going to visit, come on in, don't just drive around in my frontlawn. I'm going to get you anyway. Trust me, it only hurts for a second. Well, 2 seconds since I got you twice. :lol: :P :twisted: