Obama is recruiting felow ragheads for office

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Obama is recruiting felow ragheads for office

Post by hiiamben »

Washington - Barack Obama is conducting his own affirmative action program to get more Muslims in the White House.

The move began with Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn, who took his oath of office with a hand on the Quran, to solicit the resume of what he considered to be the nation's most qualified adherents of Islam.

According to the Denver Post, when White House officials heard about the program, it was put on overdrive.

So far, 45 Ivy League grads, Fortune 500 executives and government officials have been submitted for consideration.

J. Saleh Williams, program coordinator for the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, sifted through more than 300 names as part of the search.

"It was mostly under the radar," Williams said. "We thought it would put (the president) in a precarious position. We didn't know how closely he wanted to appear to be working with the Muslim American community."

Ellison is serious about his faith. He made the pilgrimage to Mecca with the sponsorship of the Muslim American Society, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In 1991, Mohamed Akram wrote a memo for the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood that explained its work in America as "a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all


The sole purpose and highest mandate of Islam is to make the world sovereign for Allah via the imposition of Sharia. It is Islam’s entire raison d’etre. Muhammad, the uswa hasana, an excellent example and the perfect model for emulation, devoted his entire life to compulsively killing and subjugating kafir non-Muslim infidels. In fact, he was obsessed with it! You cannot be a Muslim and at the same time reject that highest mandate of Islam. I don’t care who you are and if you reject it then you are not a true Muslims.

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Re: Obama is recruiting felow ragheads for office

Post by trevor8 »

Any other sources to this? I figured fox news would be all over it but I havent seen it. Im not sure how creditable that source is, It would not surprize me if it is true. I just think fox would have plastered it on every hour like CNN does reruns of its own stories every hour.

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