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New Pilot

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:35 pm
by Kizmet
esholton wrote:Hey there! I'm not necessarily new to the game, I've put in a good 10 hours of gameplay, but half the time I am utterly confused. I was on the forums and saw that 617 welcomes new members and was wondering sometime if I could play along with you guys just as a supporting role like a turret gunner or something on a bomber or something else that won't get anyone killed. If your too busy I understand but it would mean a lot to me. Thanks have a great time!
I sent him a response so look for him in game and also on the forums here. Show him the ropes if you will.

Re: New Pilot

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:40 am
by trevor8
def....get him registered and on TS....ill look for him, whats his TZ?