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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:39 pm
by mevan
We are bringing down the servers (live game) at 2:00pm CST (8:00pm GMT) to reset for the start of Campaign #45.

We have thought long and hard here inside CRS HQ, and argued more than a little over the subject ... but due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback over differentiated army brigades that we trialled in the latter stages of the extended intermission ... we have decided to (roll drums and fanfare) GO WITH THEM FOR THIS CAMPAIGN.

We know there may be issues arise as a result of this choice but we will have to deal with those on the basis of "as they happen and with respect to their true severity" ... we aren't going to find out much more than we know already although we could run more trials to find out more, but it will obviously consume a lot of time waiting for those observations to become apparent.

Seeing them in action during a live campaign, while risky, will reveal any issues rather more quickly. You our rabid playerbase has voiced an overwhelming desire to take that risk, so we're going to run with you on this.

We still have some small host and database changes to fully implement on the live server, so while the downtime will be as short as we can make it, it might be a little longer than normal, we hope it won't but we cannot be 100% certain exactly how long it will take, esspecially if unforseen issues arise.

Hold tight, we're about to launch into another new era for the game, and good luck to everyone in Campaign #45!
Geof Rey Evans
Game Manager/WWIIOL-Battleground Europe
"this is rocket science, it just looks like a video game"
"Life sucks sometimes, being miserable NEVER makes it suck less"

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:33 pm
by hiiamben
patch is being funky got the 1st 1 ok then about 4 updates now saying cant find patch??

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:08 pm
by Tzulscha
Patch Fixed