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WW2OL Homepage: Funnier than the comics in a newspaper...

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:42 pm
by Ma
Read this today on the homepage:
Koln RD&P Facilities Damaged by Continuous Bombing
The latest heavy attacks by Allied bomber formations over Koln has caused Production output to drop to 99% at that city.

[more in Axis section]
The latest "heavy" attacks really pounded them good dropping their output by a whole percentage point. I laughed so hard the cat jumped off the coffee table, knocked over my morning joe and soaked my Finance book.

Which am I more pissed at? The paralysis of strategic bombing.

The analogy here? The cat did more damage to my output than a whole formation of RDP bombers could wet dream of... least my Finance book is still useful.

Verdict: F*#! RDP

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:33 pm
by Kizmet
Dead squishies. It's the new fad. That and FAC. Was fun spotting for rebel357 and his gang last night. They got tons of kills and dropped right where I asked them to each time. Worked like a charm. It was fun too. Watching charlie run up on a sapper. Oh shit, there he is....bang! Damn he killed me.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:44 pm
by Charlie3
effer killed me twice

- true story