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Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:02 am
by Sniper62
ok if u havnt went and saw Transformers yet, GO SEE IT!

it was a amazing movie, comedy A TON OF ACTION, a hot chick (i didnt say that) and oh ya more action

it was an exelent made movie. i wasnt into transformers when they were the cartoon (maybe it was before my time? idk) but i heard it was a good movie and plus it has a ton of animation 3d stuff so i likes. it was well worth the theater full of little kids. it has a good moral to it also

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:27 pm
by FuelPump
i wasnt into transformers when they were the cartoon (maybe it was before my time? idk)

Man, Transformers was something like 20 years AFTER my time! :oops:


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:59 pm
by Cono
Someone actually made a movie about an electric device consisting essentially of two or more windings wound on the same core, which by electromagnetic induction transforms electric energy from one set of one or more circuits to another set of one or more circuits such that the frequency of the energy remains unchanged while the voltage and current usually change?

What's so damn exciting about that? And, why would I pay good money to go see it?


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:45 pm
by Sniper62
FuelPump wrote:ROFLMAO
i wasnt into transformers when they were the cartoon (maybe it was before my time? idk)

Man, Transformers was something like 20 years AFTER my time! :oops:

dangggggg so if it was before my time and 20 years after ur time, u must be really old :shock: LOL

i got in for free 8) but if i did have to pay it woulda been well worth the money

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:55 am
by Main4ce
I remember the theme tune was pretty cool "transformers....more than meets the eye" lol

don't think I'll be rushing to c it, but thanks for the tip... cool 3d animation is always good to see


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:08 am
by Pegasusbelgar
I hear Skyscream is a F22 now and not a F15 ( I had a Skyscream F15 model when i was a kid, was blue and could change to plane and back to robot.)

Bumbebee is a camero and not a beetle, i guess they have to keep up with the times too.

Looking forward to this, but unfortunately it seems UK got screwed as the opening is not until 27th July.

Re: HUH??!!??

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:26 pm
by FuelPump
Cono wrote:Someone actually made a movie about an electric device consisting essentially of two or more windings wound on the same core, which by electromagnetic induction transforms electric energy from one set of one or more circuits to another set of one or more circuits such that the frequency of the energy remains unchanged while the voltage and current usually change?

What's so damn exciting about that? And, why would I pay good money to go see it?


LMAO Transformers... Less than meets the eye!