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still cant fly straight

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:51 am
by kreeger
i am getting the hang of adjusting trim and staying steady with the AOA. the problem i can not correct is i drift usually right. i have tried the J and L keys and the Period and Comma keys. when i began to drift i trying the adjustments after auto pilot i disengage an the plane drifts. can i get some more help this weekend please?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:04 am
by thor
Drift when autopilot is on? I don't know anything about that. On the other hand I'm drifting right (and left) non stop without auto on. I have never had trim set so it would go straight - not sure it's possible at all...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:35 am
by Codguy

I find the wings are the hardest thing to keep level when trimming and also tend to drift occasionally without ap on because of it. Quite often the difference between a very slow roll to the right and a very slow roll to the left is about one click of aileron trim so somtimes there appears to be no perfect ail trim setting (in my experience anyway).

Sometimes I can get it to stay wings level for a period of time, sometimes I can't so might not be anything wrong "technique wise" on your part.

Might try a J/S recal next time you have a chance. I tend to recal my J/S every couple of days, though have had my X-52 for a year and a half so imagine it is starting to get some extra play in it which doesn't help.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:05 am
by Kizmet

Like codguy says, recalibrate your joystick right before you come ingame. Something else may be happening as I drifted a lot before. You may want to set some deadzone on your joystick. Take a look at where the calibration markers wind up when you calibrate your stick. If they ever wind up left or right of center, then set a dead zone to just outside the point it moves to.

Worked great for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:10 am
by Main4ce
Yeah what the others said!...

Keep the question coming m8 <S!>

btw: there is no such thing as a stuiped question...only a stuiped answer.

new question from kreeger

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:36 am
by kreeger
#1 i just cant get the hang of staying straight. i have been getting to 6k, 320kph when my green arrow and white and black compass point get lined up i hit the auto pilot and fly straight to target. when i have normal instrument view i am perfectly lined up.
#2 when i zoom in on on instrument panel the green arrow and black and white compass marks are not lined up on the map. with the normal view the green arrow and black and white compass go straight through the target but the sights say i am off center of target. i drop bombs off to the right usually but still get 30 points.
#4 who is the dummy who told me to keep the questions coming?? silly man!!
#5 calibrating now, lets see what happens

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:48 am
by Main4ce
When you map is scrolled in as far as it will go (100 m view), that is as accurate as your going to get...once online....keep going back and checking your line and adjusting by small movement until your about 10- 15 km to target.

Make sure you are looking forward (default position) in the Pilots position when checking your map for your line!

In the instrument panel view your are in fact looking sightly right, therefore looking offline to the direction of flight, do not use this position to line yourself up, you'll miss

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:08 pm
by hiiamben
Kreeger you cant keep it trimmed straight bud. Its the engine torgue that pull's the plane right. All u can do is just keep correcting it wit ur joystick, but with real gentle touch's