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Post by Main4ce »

Interesting link from playschool froums:

We've recently been fielding a number of questions regarding the times involved in supply and resupply of equipment. Although these values have been stable for some time now, there appear to be a number of players who missed that memo, so this post is intended to clarify a number of factors regarding equipment supply and resupply.

You can find out more information about supply status in the UI at the vehicle selection screen by hovering the mouse over the header of the vehicle list.

Initial Supply

- When you capture an armybase, docks, navalbase or airfield you must both CONTROL (*1) and OWN (*2) the town before the supply timers for that facility will begin. See /own at any time to clarify the status.
- At least one link to a friendly town must exist before the supply timers begins.
- If you capture an armybase in a 1AB town you do not yet OWN, the supply process will not start until you do OWN the town.
- In 1.24 the supply process is not related to the presence, absence or movement of brigades.
- Equipment is delivered between 15 and 150 minutes.
- Although the system is biased to sooner rather than later, there is no guarantee that equipment will always be delivered at 15 minutes on the nail.
- These times are 3x longer for a town that does not have a factory link


- Standard resupply time is 4.5 hours
- Towns without factory links have doubled resupply times
- A town with no friendly links has no resupply
- RDP bombing affects supply timers
- Resupply time is from the time you spawn the vehicle, not the time you die

*1 CONTROL is gained by the side that simultaneously owns all ARMBYASES.

*2 OWNERSHIP is gained by the side that simultaneously owns (uncontests) ALL facilities.
"/wtf says it all"
Oliver "kfs1" Smith [blog]
WWII Online Game Server Programmer
RAF 617 Squadron "The DamBusters"

Moto: "After me the flood"

Another Happy Bomber!
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