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cheapo laptopo
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:59 pm
by Sniper62
dam i need a laptop lol if any of u guys come across a $300 or less one let me know. ya i know its really cheap but i dont want to spend 2Gs on a good one that i can play the game with yet because if it gets stolen. i just need one to surf the net, put music on my phone and maybe burn DVDs. i have like 100 movies at home but i cant watch them because they are all on CDs lol. or if any of you know a place on the net that sells cheap laptops, let me know. dang i wish i could have my computer lol i miss that ole thing
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:38 am
by Charlie3

these are cheap
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:56 am
by Sniper62
Lol howabout ebay? Idk if i trust them tho...
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:09 pm
by Codguy
Charlie3 wrote:
these are cheap
HEY!! That old Apple IIC was my first computer back in the day. Sniper, think I have some old 5.4 inch floppies if you go that route (F-15 Strike Eagle, Dig Dug, Silent Hunter)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:12 am
by Charlie3
lol... yea it was my first computer too
I remember making text games using if then programming statements
"you come across a woman with big titties... press 1 to fondle em or press 2 to look for a woman with teeth"
and then I'd write something like if 1 then she says "ooo a horny 12 year old" or if 2 then "down the aisle there are four other doors, which do you select"
and so on
i was quite teh creative kid
course i dont think an Apple IIc would help much in your case snipet... in your case I'd suggest sucking it up and driving on
just take some pictures, goto Walgreens and digitize em then go to the effin library and post em... if ure worth ure salt, you've already snuck a disposable camera on a ruck march or two
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:42 pm
by thor
LOL charlie - good old days...
i had a commandore 64 and I never going to forget my Sinclair ZX Spectrum I had to use a portable tape player - adjust the volum just right then press the buttom - and hope the game would load. If the volum wasn't set right - the upload would fail... GOTTA LOVE IT
I remeber these: guess I've been a Dambuster for many years...
we had lots of other games as well, but can't really remember the names...
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:56 pm
by Tzulscha

This is what you want......................................This is what you get!
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:02 pm
by thor
Tzulscha wrote:This is what you want......................................This is what you get!
good one TZ
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:18 am
by FuelPump
Charlie3 wrote:lol... yea it was my first computer too
I remember making text games using if then programming statements
"you come across a woman with big titties... press 1 to fondle em or press 2 to look for a woman with teeth"
and then I'd write something like if 1 then she says "ooo a horny 12 year old" or if 2 then "down the aisle there are four other doors, which do you select"
and so on
i was quite teh creative kid
course i dont think an Apple IIc would help much in your case snipet... in your case I'd suggest sucking it up and driving on
just take some pictures, goto Walgreens and digitize em then go to the effin library and post em... if ure worth ure salt, you've already snuck a disposable camera on a ruck march or two
LOL I used to do exactly the same thing with my old TRS-80. If/then/gosub subroutines were so l337 back then... If I dabbled in the black arts of Machine Language, I could even make my Trash-80 go "Beep".
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:22 am
by thor
FuelPump wrote:... "Beep".
strange how fasinating a beep could be... and flikering colores on the monitor
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:30 pm
by FuelPump
thor wrote:FuelPump wrote:... "Beep".
strange how fasinating a beep could be... and flikering colores on the monitor
I had to wait until they invented colour to take advantage of that particular luxury. The TRS-80 did have two colours though. Green and light green. Pixels the size of your fist. The good old days.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:31 am
by thor
FuelPump wrote:thor wrote:FuelPump wrote:... "Beep".
strange how fasinating a beep could be... and flikering colores on the monitor
I had to wait until they invented colour to take advantage of that particular luxury. The TRS-80 did have two colours though. Green and light green. Pixels the size of your fist. The good old days.
when we where young we had no money for colers anyway - invented or not - our skinn was white and our clodes was grey. We didn't have a house to have our computer in - we had to live under the computer. we where 12 kids and the youngest would sleep next to the cpu; the warmest place...
Re: cheapo laptopo
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:37 am
by thor
Sniper62 wrote:dam i need a laptop lol if any of u guys come across a $300 or less one let me know. ya i know its really cheap but i dont want to spend 2Gs on a good one that i can play the game with yet because if it gets stolen. i just need one to surf the net, put music on my phone and maybe burn DVDs. i have like 100 movies at home but i cant watch them because they are all on CDs lol. or if any of you know a place on the net that sells cheap laptops, let me know. dang i wish i could have my computer lol i miss that ole thing
I've done some looking around sniper, and this could be the one for you - you also got to exersice you arm.
Re: cheapo laptopo
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:32 am
by Cono
thor wrote:Sniper62 wrote:dam i need a laptop lol if any of u guys come across a $300 or less one let me know. ya i know its really cheap but i dont want to spend 2Gs on a good one that i can play the game with yet because if it gets stolen. i just need one to surf the net, put music on my phone and maybe burn DVDs. i have like 100 movies at home but i cant watch them because they are all on CDs lol. or if any of you know a place on the net that sells cheap laptops, let me know. dang i wish i could have my computer lol i miss that ole thing
I've done some looking around sniper, and this could be the one for you - you also got to exersice you arm.
What is that? Is it the first computerized one-armed bandit?
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:07 am
by Charlie3
this one was only $29.99 plus tax snipet