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Cory Liddle and "The Other Guy"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:57 am
by Charlie3
For those of you who don't know, I manage a social service office for The Salvation Army in Florida.

I received this link today and thought I'd pass it on.

Basically a Salvation Army soldier feels bad that Liddle is getting all this attention but "the other guy" is not. (Both died in a plane crash in NYC for those who never leave the game) The soldier wants a million people to visit this site so he can contact this person's family and tell them how many people out there said prayers on his behalf.

Here's the link

I'm by no means a bible thumper or anything but am religious at heart.

That is all

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:29 pm
by FuelPump
Seems like there's a bunch of loose ends and unanswered questions with this crash, I guess most of it will come out over time.

Here's a link to the pilot's rumour netwrok thread about it, you can see the story unfold as more info comes in:

The Sirrus SR-22 has a parachute which can be deployed in emergencies which will allow the whole aircraft to come down at a reasonable rate of descent. It wasn't deployed.

The other guy was an instructor. Apparently the baseball guy had his license for a year or so. They may have been doing a check ride, or an endorsement or something.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:51 pm
by Cono
I don't think they were high enough in order to use the chute. I heard that you have to have minimum altitude of 1200-1500ft for it to work.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:53 am
by FuelPump
Apparently they were around 1400'. Then they turned sharply 180, and descended. If it was an engine failure, a sharp 180 degree turn is straight out of the "Exactly what NOT to do" book.

Re: Parachute deployment, I found this:

The parachute can be deployed 300ft AGL from a glide and 900ft AGL from a spin. Impact is supposed to destroy the airplane but protect the occupants. Cirrus says touch-down is equilivent to a 10ft drop to the ground. However, in all 5 parachute depoymnets to date, the plane was not destroyed, in fact, some experienced only minor damage, and the passengers all walked away uninjured.