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My New Toys
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:26 pm
by Kizmet
New Toys. Can't wait to shoot this puppy: this one: are my retirement presents to myself! Both are on order and the order has been confirmed.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:13 pm
by buckmaw
That Dragunov will kick like a rented mule...
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:00 pm
by Kizmet

And it'll whup what's on the other end like a red headed step child.
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:07 am
by Main4ce
Romanian Dragunov looks like a dunover AK47 ?
The M1 is real nice...

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:05 pm
by Kizmet
It's basically a long barreled AK47 with compensator for barral control. AK 47 shoots a larger bullet, 7.62 x 39. Dragunov is a smaller bullet 7.62 x 54 with more powder behind it. Maximum range of the Dragunov is 1300 meters. Now that's reaching out to touch someone.
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:33 pm
by FuelPump
Good toys!
I'd love either one of those rifles. We used to be able to get that sort of thing here (with the right license) until some arsehole mentally imballanced freak decided to shoot up his town (he's still in prison, will probably never get out). Then they blanket banned all semi-autos here, even for sporting shooters.
You guys would have cried over what they put into the smelters to melt down. Guys who had weapons captured during the war had to give them up, everything.
I believe in smart gun control, not total gun eradication.
I can still get a Lee Enfield though. One of these days I'll have to pick one up, or something similar. Saw some Kar 98s in a shop going cheap when I was a kid. should have bought one then.
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:32 pm
by Main4ce
Can you also get one of these .... British L1A1 SLR is the one I used whilst in the Army!
its a great piece of kit, you can hit a target at 600m using only the iron sights, on a nice day!
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:51 pm
by Bulldog
Those FN-FALs are sweet, but I prefer..
The good ol' Garand

and the last big boy US Service rifle......

(luved shooting these in the navy!)
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:29 pm
by Kizmet
M14 can now be found new as the civilian M1A rifle. Same rifle semi automatic. They start about $3500.00 new. That's just the base rifle. No scope or accessories. The M1 Garand is $1500.00 for one in fair condition.
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:34 pm
by FuelPump
Kizmet wrote:M14 can now be found new as the civilian M1A rifle. Same rifle semi automatic. They start about $3500.00 new. That's just the base rifle. No scope or accessories. The M1 Garand is $1500.00 for one in fair condition.
A mate of my Dad's had one, but I remember it being only .22 cal.
Would that have been a copy, or maybe re-chambered?
the British L1A1 SLR is the one I used whilst in the Army!I've fired the Aussie FN SLR back in the 80's, great fun! Had a go on a Bren too that day. My mate was firing the Bren from the hip at a target, but he didn't account for the recoil, and forgot to take his finger off the trigger. Alot of shouting and running when the barrell started swinging up and around, he almost went over backwards still firing.... We were only around 13 or 14 at the time, with the Australian Army Reserve on an exercise as "observers".
Also that day, we saw what an M-60 can do to various entrenchments. That thing took apart some heavy wooden railway sleepers, no problems.
They fired SLR's and the M-60 at some kerosene cans full of water (same resistance as a human body). I would not want to have been those kerosene cans.