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Official Request For Training - Possible Co-Op?

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:08 am
by Bulldog
Well, I guess I'll make it official, I would like to attend some training on strategic and tactical level bombing. I would very much like to learn the following;
1. Best Gunner Practices - (can't seem to hit those pesky fighters before they blow me and my pilot outta the sky)
2. Bombsite Training - (I know how to adjust bombsite, still can't hit crap!)
3. General Tactics, Strategy - ('nuff said)
4. General Bomber Pilot Skillz - (I can fly ok, but I'm just amateur)

Fuelpump has been kind enough to offer, but I wanted to post here an "official" request. I'm sure some of my squad mates would be interested as well, so if you would like to work-out a co-op Dambusters/QRR mission, let me know. BTW - We've got a few talented pilots in the QRR. Frikshun comes to mind initially, but I think there's more.

Thanks for the warm reception here at the Dambusters!

U guy's rock!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:07 am
by FuelPump
I've just been looking for you in game, but I guess you're not on.
I've been getting CTDs at critical moments far too regularly lately, and frankly it's giving me the shits....
I'll log in again and look for you, fly a mission or two, then I'll probably log for the night, and come back on in around 6 hours.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:13 pm
by Bulldog
Yeah - sorry mate! I play US-TZ, -5GMT. I'm usually online by around 20:00 and stay until i get tired of killing germans, or pissed off by CTHL'd, or fps dropping to <10! (Don't know what's go'in on with the game lately, but alot of people are getting kick'd!)

Thanks, and I hope your available. If not, maybe we can schedule something for the weekend?


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:44 am
by Bulldog
Fuelpump - u rock mate! Thanks for the missions last night. I had a tremendous time, bombing AB's and EDD's!

I have posted to the QRR forum ( my thanks and appreciation as well.

I can't say anything better than this, "I will fly with you anytime mate!"

Thanks again, and I look forward to more fun in the future!


Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:47 pm
by FuelPump
No worries Harshat, you worked out fine as a bombardier.
It's usually pretty obvious, pretty quickly when you multicrew with someone, and they are not suited to bombing. But you did well.

Sorry I couldn't devote more time to typing to you, I was involved in a pretty meaty conversation at the time on TS about grand strategy, and cunning plans. So my attention was divided between you, and other things.

Now you're on TS, it'll be much easier to get you trained up on level bombing, if you so desire.

I had a look at your squad website. You guys seem pretty switched on, and professional. Anytime you, or your squaddies want to fly with me, I'd be happy to take you along, and I'm sure the other Dambusters would be happy too.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:33 am
by Bulldog
Count me in friend, and if you and your mates ever want to get down and dirty in the mud, trading shots with the Huns at 100 meters, look us up.

Again, Fuelpump and the 617th rock!
