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Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:12 pm
by Mako
I need a website for work to help improve sales. Thing is I have zero website knowledge and I'm not even sure where to start, I took classes on it when I was in college but that was several parties back I'm positive I killed those cells by now.
I know there are lots of web design companies out there and I do know this is probably gonna be a bit pricey so I need to find a good place to go that will keep my website high on the hit list for the search engines. After reading several articles about small business websites it sounds like having your website come up on the first 10 links when someone searches on google is key to making the website payoff.

Anyone here do web design and hosting as an occupation?

help please :)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:40 pm
by Kizmet

I do along with several friends.

Take a look at and contact

Once you make contact with them let them know that you are a friend of mine and that I referred you to them. They have it all. Credit cards, eshopping interface, ya da ya da ya da. I'm known these guys and actually worked with them for about 15 years now. They are all personal friends so I can assure you that they are legitimate and honest.