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Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:13 pm
by Frantish
Cono wrote:Frantish, shouldn't you be flying RDP runs instead of visiting my af at Knokke? And, if you're going to visit, come on in, don't just drive around in my frontlawn. I'm going to get you anyway. Trust me, it only hurts for a second. Well, 2 seconds since I got you twice. :lol: :P :twisted:
Should have seen that facepalm when I saw who killed me. :roll:

Squad night was to be in north, my task to take down most Knokke AI (and I did)

But then we scrapped the plan. :shock: :roll:

hey, thats game :toke:

I will bring beer next time :iconpidu

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:21 pm
by Cono
Next time let me know in advance that you are coming to take down the AI. I'll let you do that. They don't do anything except make noise and give me a headache. :P

If I could sap them myself, I would.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:45 pm
by Tzulscha
Meh, 617'll be here as long as I'm playing.

Even if it's just me and Ygor.

I got a Gold Builder account.....

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:48 am
by Kizmet
Frantish wrote:I would think its the other way around.

VARIETY of mission profiles is what keeps people interested.
Small changes will cause larger effects.

But right now Rats are scared to change anything that might cause the ground players to cry and unsub.

Yet if strat bombing dies, so will one of the great hall marks of this game, organized mass missions.
Howdy ya'll. Been a while. Had a second surgery to try to repair the damaged nerve in my left arm. Physically relocated it and had my stitches out yesterday. Hard to play this game one handed. Anyway, it still hurts like hell, but the Oxycontin seems to make me smile occasionally. I will be back at some time. As for bombing missions, we'll see.

Frantish, you hit three of the issues that killed RDP right on the head. In order of importance:

1. Variety of mission profiles, that generate acceptable feedback, in the realm of points or affect on the enemy is what keeps this game going. The RATS had the ONLY Strategic Bombing game and let is slip through their fingers.

2. Small changes will cause larger effects. Hit the nail right on the head. This is precisely what the RATS did to Strategic Bombing. Only, they made very large changes on three different occasions, hence why we are in RDP version 4 in the game. They killed the "Fun Factor", to quote the current attitude of the kids in game, they killed it for all of the Strategic Bombing participants. Not just the Dambusters, although we were a very large portion of it, but they killed it for everyone. They did not think it's introduction, nor it's reduction out, instead, implemented huge radical seat of the pants changes, that ruined what they had.

3. Organized RDP. I don't think that I'll be interested in organizing any RDP in the near future. Charlie3 and myself, along with quite a few other Dambusters, and non Dambusters, gave our heart and soul to organizing Strategic bombing accross multiple time zones. We truely were a 24 X 7 operation. Airborg, Fuelpump, Bundyrum, Thor, Sniper62, IBE13, god it's hard to remember the multitude of players who were a part of the world wide organization that was the Allied Strategic Bombing. Exactly like it really was in the war. So, the RATS slapped the Allied playerbase in the face, over and over again, for successfully organizing something that the Axis playerbase did not see as important. They had won so many campaigns, they didn't need it. When they figured out that they were getting their Asses handed to them by the Allied side, they chose RDP as the reason and whinned and bitched RDP right out of existence.

Sorry to be so blunt, but there you have it. Tons of us gave our life blood to increase the organization in this game, at one point almost every DamBuster was an RAF officer, and for that all we got was lip service and a slap in the face. All of this after the RATS chastised us for years, yes I was in the AHC for several years, and all the time the RATS blamed it on our lack of organization. Well, we organized RDP very successfully, and got bitch slapped for doing so. Now, who do you think will step forward again, knowing this is the likely outcome. As stated in earlier threads, CRS seems not to get the fact that trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is plain freaking stupid.

Now, you want to inject something that might put some light back in the Strategic Game, have them work on allowing us to affect supply that gets delivered to specific front line towns, based on breaking and keeping those breaks in supply route, town/cp based, down, then you just might see more fun injected in the game. Of course, this should be high level bombing, so it is difficult, and not dive bombing specific CP's. It can be done high level because we've done it for years. We'd level a town, yep all buildings, at the request of the Allied HC, except for the spawnable's so the buildings we needed to defend to spawn were intact, and we did it from 5k meters. Also, the reward should be substantial. Just like resupply cutoff, you can completely deny resupply to a front line town, with enough forethought, using tanks, etc on the ground. Lots can be done that no one other than Dambusters are aware of, but trust me when I say, there are tons of fun in Strategic Bombing that has yet to be unlocked by any other players other than the DamBusters.

There ya go. Glad to see you still on the ball with Strategic Bombing and I wish I had the will power and the thrill of the game left in me to work it with you. I did it once, I just don't have it in me to do it again until I really see things change. Our RAF need an overhaul and I'd love nothing more than to go tackle that again like Buckmaw, Bundyrum, Fuelpump, me, charlie3,..................................the list goes on, did one time before.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:06 pm
by Cono
Frantish wrote:But then we scrapped the plan. :shock: :roll:

I'm betting you scrapped your plans after I scrapped your 2 232s. :)

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:07 pm
by Cono
Kizmet wrote:
Frantish wrote:I would think its the other way around.

VARIETY of mission profiles is what keeps people interested.
Small changes will cause larger effects.

But right now Rats are scared to change anything that might cause the ground players to cry and unsub.

Yet if strat bombing dies, so will one of the great hall marks of this game, organized mass missions.
Howdy ya'll. Been a while. Had a second surgery to try to repair the damaged nerve in my left arm. Physically relocated it and had my stitches out yesterday. Hard to play this game one handed. Anyway, it still hurts like hell, but the Oxycontin seems to make me smile occasionally. I will be back at some time. As for bombing missions, we'll see.

Frantish, you hit three of the issues that killed RDP right on the head. In order of importance:

1. Variety of mission profiles, that generate acceptable feedback, in the realm of points or affect on the enemy is what keeps this game going. The RATS had the ONLY Strategic Bombing game and let is slip through their fingers.

2. Small changes will cause larger effects. Hit the nail right on the head. This is precisely what the RATS did to Strategic Bombing. Only, they made very large changes on three different occasions, hence why we are in RDP version 4 in the game. They killed the "Fun Factor", to quote the current attitude of the kids in game, they killed it for all of the Strategic Bombing participants. Not just the Dambusters, although we were a very large portion of it, but they killed it for everyone. They did not think it's introduction, nor it's reduction out, instead, implemented huge radical seat of the pants changes, that ruined what they had.

3. Organized RDP. I don't think that I'll be interested in organizing any RDP in the near future. Charlie3 and myself, along with quite a few other Dambusters, and non Dambusters, gave our heart and soul to organizing Strategic bombing accross multiple time zones. We truely were a 24 X 7 operation. Airborg, Fuelpump, Bundyrum, Thor, Sniper62, IBE13, god it's hard to remember the multitude of players who were a part of the world wide organization that was the Allied Strategic Bombing. Exactly like it really was in the war. So, the RATS slapped the Allied playerbase in the face, over and over again, for successfully organizing something that the Axis playerbase did not see as important. They had won so many campaigns, they didn't need it. When they figured out that they were getting their Asses handed to them by the Allied side, they chose RDP as the reason and whinned and bitched RDP right out of existence.

Sorry to be so blunt, but there you have it. Tons of us gave our life blood to increase the organization in this game, at one point almost every DamBuster was an RAF officer, and for that all we got was lip service and a slap in the face. All of this after the RATS chastised us for years, yes I was in the AHC for several years, and all the time the RATS blamed it on our lack of organization. Well, we organized RDP very successfully, and got bitch slapped for doing so. Now, who do you think will step forward again, knowing this is the likely outcome. As stated in earlier threads, CRS seems not to get the fact that trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is plain freaking stupid.

Now, you want to inject something that might put some light back in the Strategic Game, have them work on allowing us to affect supply that gets delivered to specific front line towns, based on breaking and keeping those breaks in supply route, town/cp based, down, then you just might see more fun injected in the game. Of course, this should be high level bombing, so it is difficult, and not dive bombing specific CP's. It can be done high level because we've done it for years. We'd level a town, yep all buildings, at the request of the Allied HC, except for the spawnable's so the buildings we needed to defend to spawn were intact, and we did it from 5k meters. Also, the reward should be substantial. Just like resupply cutoff, you can completely deny resupply to a front line town, with enough forethought, using tanks, etc on the ground. Lots can be done that no one other than Dambusters are aware of, but trust me when I say, there are tons of fun in Strategic Bombing that has yet to be unlocked by any other players other than the DamBusters.

There ya go. Glad to see you still on the ball with Strategic Bombing and I wish I had the will power and the thrill of the game left in me to work it with you. I did it once, I just don't have it in me to do it again until I really see things change. Our RAF need an overhaul and I'd love nothing more than to go tackle that again like Buckmaw, Bundyrum, Fuelpump, me, charlie3,..................................the list goes on, did one time before.

KIZ!!!!! You're alive!!!!!!

Btw, +1 on this posting.

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:14 pm
by Duke2
Make that a + 2

Good one Kiz. That really sums it up.

Again, fix their money problems, where others don't have any influence, and I just bet Strat
Bombing would come back.

Have a happy

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:18 am
by Pegasusbelgar
Hi chaps.

Terrible AWS (makes it almost Aces High/Warbirds easymode), real turn off for flying in large formations and restricts you to doing JABO.
RDP times are or were awful (not played in ages)
No new plane-set, need something bigger and heavier payload than the Boston/DB7
More flexibility in relocation/allocation of planes

Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:27 pm
by airslayr88<101st>
reasons for RDP dieing

the largest most obvious most dumbest retardest stupidest reason has to be the RATS NEUTERING IT!! i mean really? did they think taking 12 hours to knock a resupply counter up 3.5 hours was really guna effect the ground war?? ok i understant not being able to stop one side from getting their toys but why did it drop to this?

now the next thing is this farking AWS (A$$)
yes somthing needed to be done about the skirting...but dam not this. being able to see a bomber flight leaving behind the lines is just complete BS, idk how many times we have been killed before we even get to the front lines.

along with rank points, for how long and far ppl gota do this why not give it more points when u make it all the way home? i mean a person can go and bomb a bridge 10km from their AF and get the same why the fek would they do FBRs? that and the bombadier only getting the mission points when the pilot did just as much work
RDP is not necessarily dead, last 2 campaigns i rallied a few bombers to fly with me during a point where axis started to push back. we kept the factories at koln, duss and essen down to below 80% for a straight week (undercover op Operation Sauerkraut)...during that week we pushed straight back because they had limited armor supply to keep it from happening. as much as people say it dont help, it still does. even the smallest things make a difference in the big picture. i do think that it should never have been changed in the first place but axis whines and moans from 617 buttf****ing them back to the stone-age every camp, i could see would get old....the fix was simple they had to make a RDP dedicated squad...omg problem fixed. Really wish they would up the points tho for RDP RTB's. 1.31 tho they have fixed the AWS to be way less accurate, so you guys still thinking of unsubbing?


Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:26 pm
by Reddog
Nah, I'm not going anywhere. Me and Pup will be here along with Tz and Ygor we both builders.

Damn, I up way past me bedtime.....

:iconpidu :iconpidu



Re: Urgent question for all your bomber guys!

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:06 pm
by Frantish
Kizmet wrote:
Howdy ya'll. Been a while. Had a second surgery to try to repair the damaged nerve in my left arm. Physically relocated it and had my stitches out yesterday. Hard to play this game one handed. Anyway, it still hurts like hell, but the Oxycontin seems to make me smile occasionally. I will be back at some time. As for bombing missions, we'll see.
Great to hear from you again!
I was getting worried there for a while.

You speak wise and have a sad tale to tell, so we must set a goal and pursue it.

Since its the whiners who took away our toys, we need to whine to get it back.
So get your fingers ready for the RDP WHINE brigade!