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Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:19 am
by anfiach
I'm not with the squad but it's really bad. Just imagine if we ever get bigger slower heavy bombers like the Lanc. It has effectively killed strat bombing

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:36 am
by Charlie3
Frantish wrote:Ma, I have already been on the Rats about the AWS splintering the raids.

As for the list, we have to keep chipping away at it.

Chipping away, as in choosing our battles carefully, keeping the topic alive and HOT, and when its taken care of, pick the next one.

It greatly helps to focus on easy fixes then more coding.

The latest Rat post about changing EWS I would like to think I was able to help in getting to the front.

We need to focus on AWS now, RDP second.
i dont know what needs coding for change and what doesnt.... whats an easy AWS change for the rats?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:15 pm
by thor
I second every word Ma wrote, and totaly agree with Fran on politics.

- maybe grid size is a easy fix?
- maybe to something about rebuild timers and RDB-timers? They sure was easy to alter last time...

I don't know what's best, or easiest

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:54 pm
by barely8
Ditto to what Ma stated.

The particular design of the system of ASS can be changed with a different grid structure that encompasses a greater range of uncertainty (i.e., larger squares). I know it would be impossible to code but it would be nice to be able to stay under the radar screen by flying low-level raids.

I remember early in this campaign 8 of us lifting and getting bounced less than 10K out from the friendly territory. This occurs both at frontline and rear AF's. Any person that has some intelligence to them, can effectively determine what alt we are at versus how far we are from an AF behind enemy lines. ASS has made the air war in favor of the fighter jockey and has put the bombers on notice that the air war will be tilted this way.

Forming fighter escorts with RDP raids is sometimes like pulling teeth. This is especially true in Tier 0 and 1 because the Allies have nothing comparable to the 110 that can B&N through the group and take out one light bomber at a time and the Hawk or Hurri cannot keep up with it. The best defense in that situation is to ram the 110, in which they can respawn and make it to the bomber group in short order to intercept by looking at the grid. The Hawk and Hurri cannot catch up with the group unless they lft from a frontline AF if there are any remaining to be spawned in.

The 617 Dambusters have forced many changes to RDP. So many I have lost count. To actually believe CRS was planning changes to RDP before the "No 3H map" that were immediately implemented is rather funny, yet sad as they stated they were planning changes then. My argument to them at that time still holds true today: "Both sides have the opportunity to protect their factories and both sides have the opportunity to damage the opposing sides' factories. Choices are made and one must live with the outcome". You do find a heckuva lot more fighters in the air intercepting RDP raids now than in the past (like the No 3H map) and I think this is a direct correlation to knowing where the RDP raids are at and going for easy kills, especially when your plane has cannons, not BB's.

Strat bombing is pretty much dead now as the game is today. There are still a few who do it but the risk does not equal the reward.

Eliminate ASS within your own territory so either side cannot detect enemy presence over their own territory.
Make ASS active outside the game boundaries and over water.
Increase grid size.
Eliminate DD's shells impacting RDP as this only has a benefit/advantage for one side.
Fix the TG issue for Allied Light bombers. Oh wait, Allies only have light bombers.
Increase RDP timers.

I love to fly RDP bombing runs and was looking forward to getting back in the bomber seat after my campaign as CinC was over. After a handful of flights though, I have spent 95% of my time on the ground.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:22 pm
by Duke2
You said it Ma. -- I'm on yer side. AWS at our own Back Airfield. no no no

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:35 pm
by hiiamben
Guys post these opinion's ion the playskool forum's!! this is what ive been saying all along post it so all can see and they know a big part of us dont like ASS as it is now!!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:48 pm
by Frantish
Expect some pro-RDP changes in next Camp!

I do not know what and how much, or even announced, but something's in the wind!

Can't wait till #42 is done!