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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:55 am
by Bomber
I copied this from the MacAttack forum for you guys...they're a really good bunch of guys and I hope you'll get along testing with them when the time comes...

Yes, that flying yesterday was supercool!

Klugov and me flew from scampton to Pas de Calais in Lanc Mk.I's.
at night!
Those searchlights are really terrifying and work very well.
they trace u around
and the night flak is beautiful too!

After klugov crashed, he took a fw190 to chase me.
I survived the terror, but I was kinda swiss cheese.
Klugov rtb'ed because of ammo shortage
I believe he took some good hits of my active otto's

Later we tried out the Ju88 (which is a killer on steady ground and air targets, but easy prey for spit ).

Then unclet joined us and me and klugov faught him in his 109 over the channel in our spits.
The battles were very cool and immersive (imho).
Totally different (read 'better') feeling from TT.
Spits could easily outturn the 109, but 109 is a climber and rolls better.
One could easily see this.

btw, the spits are updated, right? they flew very nicely.
The terrain looked better then ever too. Unclet suggested that the fog settings were different? or lighting?
anyway, I had a 'coup de foudre' experience going on yesterday.

I think T4T is a very good mod in the works!





oh, before I forget.
I love all the buidlings at calais.
I think I even saw a train and some cranes moving on the pier?

really, I'm baffled by all this!
my exact location

1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 (2x)
GeForce FX 5200
160 GB HD
Mac OS 10.4.8
Logitech Wingman Force 3D (Force Feedback)
CH Pro Pedals
Wacom Intuos 3 A4 Oversize pentablet

(> <)

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:38 am
by Kizmet
Hot damn. Nice looking Lancaster. Can't wait to try her out.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:19 am
by Reddog
OMG Sweet, searchlites, jus damn, I'm not good at waiting Bomber, pedal faster

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:43 am
by Charlie3
hey bomber

nice to get the update

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:26 pm
by FuelPump
Superb! Got me tingling Bomber!
Those searchlights look great, will really add another dimension to it all.
Does the AAA track the lights and react to contact with an aircraft?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:57 pm
by Bomber
FuelPump wrote:Superb! Got me tingling Bomber!
Those searchlights look great, will really add another dimension to it all.
Does the AAA track the lights and react to contact with an aircraft?

The settings for the AAA are slower than the lights... this means the lights will find you first, it's then a matter of if you can get out of the beam or if the beam can reverse it's direction (if it's come from the oposite direction) and stay on you... Sometimes you fly right through it and out the other side.
After some seconds in the beam the AAA will begin to get closer and closer and time starts to run out... all this is happening whilst you can't see a thing out of the cockpit and you start your corkscrew dive on instruments only...

It's not so bad for me now.... but the first time as was posted by this tester, is terrifying... and it's what 1% of the real thing.

Having said that as you know luck plays a large hand in any AAA run and you might just be unlucky to get a hit in the bombbay and then..............................................................



Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:57 pm
by FuelPump

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:56 am
by Bomber
I know you guys aren't necessarily interested in the ball turret of a B24 or B17 but this is the level of quality that we're working towards to put in the game...

It's not the level of quality that the Lancaster gun turrets are at, we had to start somewhere and learn and the ball turret was what Buster wanted to model so I say let him. We'll go back to the Lancaster turret once M9S give us player controled gun turrets, we hope these images will inspire them to work on the code.







Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:06 am
by Pegasusbelgar
Will the members of 617 Sqdn WW2O and AGW Warbirds be testing this at the same time as in open for all, or invite only restricted?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:42 am
by Bomber
The offer is to 617 squadron to test the Lancaster/Manchester after MacAttack have knocked some warts off of her and we've come up with a scenario..

I'm hoping it goes like a mini event where you guys get to fly the Lancaster and the MacAttack guys get to hunt you in the ju88 and fw190 nightfighters across the night sky...

You now what they say about the plans of mice and men tho :)


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:20 pm
by Main4ce
Great looking graphics from Buster there Simon, thanks for sharing them m8!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:07 pm
by thor
I need some trainig! I downloaded the game, but couldn't get off ground... :roll:

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:54 am
by FuelPump
thor wrote:I need some trainig! I downloaded the game, but couldn't get off ground... :roll:

lol I had the same problem with the Corsair in the Korea mod... Didn't help that I got greedy and loaded the bloody thing up to the gills with rockets, MGs bombs etc. It ground loops beautifully!

I did enjoy flying the Lancaster around though, once I got it off the ground. She doesn't like low airspeed, that's for sure!

That ball turret looks spectacular. without doubt the best looking turret I've ever seen modelled. Looks like it just came out of the factory, you can almost smell the machine oil....

How many polys went into it? How does the FPS play out? Have they upped the effective poly limit in TW? Or is that more a function of the machine you run the game on?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:37 am
by Bomber
FuelPump wrote:How many polys went into it? How does the FPS play out? Have they upped the effective poly limit in TW? Or is that more a function of the machine you run the game on?

It's about 5000 at present...

It's not been added into the game as yet but when it is I'll reduce the number of visilbe polys at any one time by 1/4 hopefully...

We then have the surrounding plane to add which all added up should bring the running total to 6500 polys...

Which is the poly limit on the internal cockpit.. so if you get reasonable results whilst sitting in the cockpit you'll get the same from being in a turret..

I have an imac g5 so I very much aware any fps hit...
