Reddog, a long time 617 Dambuster, a day one player, a second father and best friend to me has passed away this weekend. He leaves behind a loving wife, two wonderful daughters, whom also played WWIIOL at one point or another, and three grand kids. He loved them and they, among many others, will miss him dearly.
If you ever got to spend time or have flown with Reddog, you came to know he was an awesome guy and someone that was true to heart. He supported WWII Online from the beginning and to his end. While starting the game on the ground he soon discovered his enjoyment in flying bombers in game doing RDP runs. Two crazy guys, Kizmet and Charlie3, started the 617 Dambusters in 2004 and soon afterwards both Reddog and I joined the crew and have stuck with the squad ever since. Allied, Axis and especially previous and current 617 Dambusters spent many hours sitting on the runway or in the skies flying to and from factory bombing runs with Reddog and discussing everything under the sun. Within those countless hours of flying, many stories were told and a ton of laughter was had. Reddog was generous enough to host three 617 Dambuster mini-cons at his home in Atlanta where a handful of 617 Dambuster members were able to attend. Those mini-cons were filled with memorable times, lots of booze and one heck of a computer room setup to allow all of us to play in the same room together. We will remember flying along side Reddog for many years to come.
For the past 20 years, Reddog was like a second father to me. He came into my life at a young age, right when I needed it, and at the beginning of my time with WWIIOL, I credit him for helping to shape me into the man I am today. Everything from how to properly stay in formation while on a long RDP run and lining up on target, to helping me along building my first custom computer and helping to get me my current job after my time in the Army. I will miss the ribbing that he gave to everyone that flew alongside the 617 Dambusters but mostly, I'll miss the down to earth conversations that we were able to have when flying together. He was there virtually and in person when I needed it and I cannot thank him enough for those times.
A message from a facebook post from his daughter, Taylor:
My sweet daddy passed away yesterday 1/12/2025. We are all still in shock by how sudden he left us. Mom, Katie, and I will always love you more than you could ever know. Hope you are at peace with all the fur babies and your mommy Theo
Since we've had a few pass away since the last memorial, I will be working with other CRS members to organize a memorial for them and Reddog in the near future. Keep an eye out for when this memorial will be scheduled.
If you've got a memory or story about Reddog, please post it here and I'll pass it along to his family. I've attached a few memories of Reddog below.
S! Reddog, you will be missed, the skies won't be the same without you.

Reddog (right), Sniper62 (left) in 2006.