Come on Guys -- Give Ole ben a break. Heck, he probly does more than most. -- Loyal, always trying, dedicated to the Squad and Game. Likes all company. Some look on him as a Legend, in his own style. Go Gettum m8 -- he he -- Keep em alive.
Hang in their Ben.
Pilot Recruiter
RAF 617 Sqn "The Dambusters"
The DamBusters - not just a squad, a game imbalance"
Where's my Big Bomber.
Like Duke said... Ben's the best! I'll bring him some pickled herring from Norway
Pilot Officer
RAF 617 The DamBusters I was a bit unclear... I mean I don't give a sh..t what I'm bombing - as long as I fly with my friends. I'm a happy bomber Gulden | Gulden | Nettgalleri
1. I can log in again (didn't do anything, just waited), and my joystick troubles are history...
2. I'm working on my FPS, but don't think that will change anytime soon.
Pilot Officer
RAF 617 The DamBusters I was a bit unclear... I mean I don't give a sh..t what I'm bombing - as long as I fly with my friends. I'm a happy bomber Gulden | Gulden | Nettgalleri
If someone has Ben's number should give him a call. I talked to him on TS on Saturday Afternoon and he was just getting ready to re-do XP. He might have ran into some trouble.
ok guys ive ran into a snag, imagine that huh?, anyway when i go to reload windows when it asked me where i want to install it it has the old partition with windows in it and then another unpartitioned , It wont let me delete the 1st installation of windows and say's installing over other OS maybe would cause it to fuck up?? what do i do???
617 dambusters not just a squad but a game imbalance