zeitgeist movie

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zeitgeist movie

Post by Main4ce »

Found this rather cool (if thats the right word for it)...its nearly 2 hours long though ... http://zeitgeistmovie.com/

But the way I see it, true!

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Post by Duke2 »

Isn't freedom a wonderful thing. We can say what we want, believe what we want, choose what we want. It's just up to the individual. -- During the time of Hitler. The Jews wore the Star of david. -- They were perscuted for their Religious ideas. King Hussain, attacked Quawait, prob for their Oil and money. It seems down through the History of the World, somebody has been trying to take something from other Countrys, and in essence other people. Being an American, I feel that, their is more freedom in the world, than ever before. And I feel it is because of the United Beliefs and, abilities of all countries that are free, and share in the ideas of freedom, and not dictatorship. I know our forefathers in this country felt that way, and has passed those very ideas, down thru the generations. The good Book, ( The Bible ) says their will be wars and rumor of wars. It has been so, if you look at history! --- I will BODLY say, I am a christian, and yes that is my CHOICE. -- Like my forefathers, I answered the call. Not because I had too! -- It's good to be an American. I love the RED, White, and Blue. -- Theirs just, no other,for me. -- Get your second wind Barley, and fight em, and the injustis. You go m8. I belive in the early history of texas, their motto was, don't tread on me.

Dam the Torpedos, full steam ahead.

Theirs a lot of BS in the World today, and what I see is probly viewed thru my eyes only. :)

People who are Christians, have always stood, and fought, and voted aginst injustist, where ever it is.

And the H--- with this new world order BS. Close our Borders. Meaby we should do like Bush said. (not ) Open our Borders. We could probly come up with something like the Euro Dollar. If WWIII breakes out we might need each others manpower. he he he

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Post by Bootn3ck »

even though my whole family (mothers side) are all orangemen and i have an invite to join the order and protect my protestant faith, i find it hard to commit to my religion after seeing some of the atrocities a member of 1 religion can inflict on a different religion member.

In combat the God Queen and country thing goes out of the window......you fight for the mucker standing next to you no matter his religious beliefs.
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Post by Main4ce »

I'm by no means trying to say what you should think of this film, thats up to you..but if helps you to have an open mind, and even question what the film says...then in the end...thats a good thing!

Last edited by Main4ce on Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Duke2 »

All Atrocities in the World come from mankind. -- It's sad to hear about Christian killing Christian, in other parts of the world, and I don't understand it. Yet good and evil is through out the Bible. It's what is used to judge good and Evil. I don't think the World will be a better place, when all Christians are gone. At least, I don't want to be here.
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Post by Bootn3ck »

ive already seen the danger from islam so im likely to be 1 of the first christians dead (aslong its not under the orders of some 2nd in command to god pope), may you be irish catholic or irish protestant we have fought a religous war for more than 400 years against each other....we are more than ready to defend our christian faith against others.
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Post by Duke2 »

I know Boot. It just bewilders me, why this is happening. I don't understand it. I have ask this question, and some say it is over money and Jobs? Still I don't understand how one christian can kill another. Disagree meaby, but to kill one another. ( shakes head ) I'm sure others see this, and meaby don't understand ither. Here in America, we have different races and Religion.

Well main, you got us thinking. :)

Meaby we should talk about the Weather. :) he he
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Post by Bootn3ck »

well duke we can always ask the new "gods representive on earth" (the pope) why 1 off his predecessor ordered a holy war against the un believers of the protestant faith in england, scotland and ireland......alot of muriels on the side off homes in ulster still showing the crucifying of protestants.

ive always been a firm believer in keeping religion out off internet gaming,the good frday agreement is only 12 year old and i had to serve with a clear and unbiased mind in the country of my families birth.AND i wont even get on the subject off where the IRA etc got the money for their ak's and semtex.
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Post by Duke2 »

It was Raining earlier. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Once when I was on a double date, along time ago. --- Their wasnt to maney words spoken with several silences. The Guy in the front seat of the car, broke the atmosphere, by asking, Hey do you think the rain will hurt the rubarb? I said, I don't know, what do you mean. He said not if it's in cans. :) hummm
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Post by Duke2 »

It was Raining earlier. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Once when I was on a double date, along time ago. --- Their wasnt to maney words spoken, with several silences. The Guy in the front seat of the car, broke the atmosphere, by asking, Hey do you think, the rain will hurt the rubarb? I said, I don't know, what do you mean. He said not if it's in cans. :) hummm

We have a cute commercial over here. Their's this pregnant goodlooking school teacher, and she's giving the class a test. While she's at the back of the room, a young boy wants to cheat. Well she sees it and lays that ruler on the desk with force. Note says lets not cheat. ---- Some ladies are real beautiful in this condition. I think she is.

When I was in the Navy, and having a conversation with another squadie, it always turned to sex. It didn't matter if we were talking about grasshoppers, or lady bugs. :) later

PS Treading water is hard to do for some people. he he he
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Post by Bootn3ck »

:lol: duke...no wonder i love ya

just ignore me bud, just 1 of them subjects.ive only ever kicked off once over this before when some ignorant scouser called the orange order a bunch of murdering scum, had to explain the order is like the old templer knights of old (just the protestant version) and the order didnt or does support any loyalist paramilitary organisation, what certain members did in the support off their faith had no backing from the order.

But the Prince of Orange and Michael Stone are like god figures to me :twisted:
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Post by Bootn3ck »

anyways back to the film............can any1 inform me if this director is an a$$hat or is he renowned for doing his research........as that film is scary as shit with alot of "similar" situations maybe been forced through with the UK........ID cards even though most are against and human rights organisations are screaming about it........a single currency in the european community, even though we have rejected it once and the present goverment may try to push it through anyway without a refferendum.

I look forward for any US players to let me know the reaction of this film in the US when its released.

I recommend all watch this ESPECIALLY parts 2 and 3
And when i get to heaven,
to Saint Peter i will tell,
Another soldier reporting sir,
ive served my time in hell.
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