snipet in da house with a story!

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snipet in da house with a story!

Post by Sniper62 »

well, left friday at 1pm drove for about 12 hours then took a 5 hour nap and headed out for the rest of the drive. got to Yankton SD and found a motel and found the local wally world and baught our liceances and got a book that shows us where all the public land is.

sunday morning woke up and headed out N. at about 11am found a spot to hunt, but couldnt start hunting till noon. talked to another hunter that was scouting, and she said they were walking for an hour and didnt scare up one bird :( in that area... so we picked out a different spot and headed out, got there at about 11:45.

was a nice field, quarter mile wide and half a mile long, tall grass all over and acouple Milow (pheseants like this stuff, its like bird food) patches. walked through all the milow and my dad was walking the last little patch of milow and i was cutting across the feild in about 6 foot tall grass. we walked for about an hour, when i came to the end of the grass a rooster popped up about 5 feet away from me (alota the time pheseants run in front of you, they dont really like to fly, untill they come to a opening or are blocked by somthing) so i took aim and shot. the bird went down hard, like he got hit but when we walked over we couldnt find that damned thing :( we looked for about 10mins. beotch was gone :cry:

well went the rest of the day only chasing up a few hens (cant shoot the hens) and seeing acouple roosters from a distance and alot of walking through tall thick grass (that shits rough) no more shooting and no birds for the first day

second day starts we talked to some hunters and got an idea where the birds to the tgt area and saw acouple fly across the rd into a corn field. waited around for 30mins till noon and started walking a field next to another corn field...scared up a hen that tryed to run past me. turned back and scared up another hen and a rooster, but he was to far to shoot. walked for another 30mins not chasin anything up. we talked to a hunter and he told us most of the bird hide in the corn field untill dusk then go to the grass to bed down, so that kinda sucked cuz we cant hunt the corn fields because thats private property. went to another spot walked for 30mins...nothin tryed two more spots and nothin. then we about to quit for the day and head E to MIN, when a farmer saw us and told us to follow him...

he was a nice guy and they were combining a field and told us to stand at the end of the field while the combine chased em to us, then we take em out. well they had to go refuel, so there were strips of corn about 7 feet wide and a half mile long. so he told us to walk those two and when we got done they would be combining again. we did and got about half way when we saw a hen fly out so we kept going and got about 100 yards from the end and i flanked around and stood down at the end (blocker) while my dad flushed them out. when i was walking down there i saw 4 birds fly out the end so i knew it was guna be good. he got about 75yards from the end and i saw two birds fly off to the right, then heard a shot (my dad shooting at a rooster that was running down the corn) so he gets about 50 yards from the end and a rooster comes flyin out to my left.... b00m b00m b00m i miss all three shots :cry: so now im trying to reload cuz 3 shots is all i could put in and i saw a rooster come out to the end and run out left about 5 feet and run back into the corn when i heard another shot and saw some dust fly up at the end of the field. my dad comes walking out ringing the neck of a nice rooster :D he chased that one from about 50 yards back he said "they sure can run fast" lol

so we had one more row to do and i was the flusher this time. two roosters came out the sides (i shoulda shot but didnt WTF!) and two hens. got about 50yards from the end and heard another shot and looked out and saw him ringing the neck of another rooster. :D he had another rooster fly out over his head but went tword the combine so he didnt shoot. so that was his two birds

saw about 7 birds fly out from where the combine was now working so we walked down there. got there and they were down to three combine rows left to do. about 50yards out a rooster came out and took off to my left and high...b00m one bird down :lol: so i ran over and rang its neck and brough it over. combine went around and came back about 50 yards out another one came out, left and high...b00m second bird down :D when they were doing the last row a hen and two rabbits came out. (those two shots were hard had my body all twisted around and they were cross shots, but still got em :twisted:

so now we had 4 birds in a hour (but none the hole earlyer day) lol wtf is that

waited for them to do the next section of corn...waited two hours nothin came out. but dam those birds hold tight, it came down to the last combine row of corn (about 7 foot accross) and two hens came out lol

then the day was over, so we drove over to MIN did acouple hours of hunting at my uncles house. saw two ducks and a rooser but they got up way to far away for a shot. had dinner (goose and pheseant) talked to teh family and left the next day. got home yesterday

was fun, but it had its depressing times lol

driving through St. Louis


driving through South Dakota, you can see a loooooooong way (notice you cant see any cars lol)


my fathers two birds on the left and my two on the right


me and teh birds


the drive home through Illinois, friken awsome trees

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Re: snipet in da house with a story!

Post by Kizmet »


If you haven't already thrown the feathers away, hang on to them. If you don't use them, my cousin ties fishing flies with them. Be glad to have em send you a few flies.
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Re: snipet in da house with a story!

Post by Sniper62 »

:( na we cleaned the birds that night and didnt even think about keeping any tail feathers

the only ones i got are acouple little feathers in the bottum of the bird vest i carried them in
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Re: snipet in da house with a story!

Post by thor »

first: to many english words... :lol:
second: great pictures

I'll read it later. I promise
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Post by Ithica »

St. Louis, I live 2 hours south of there near cape girardeau you prolly passed it at some point.
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